Discussion on Differences of Abilities

My friend, Sama, asked me to comment on the coffee cup issue. Many of you know I do most things a little backwards. If I can do something, even if it looks a little weird, I will still do it to show the society I can be independent and do stuff. I was at the airport with my suitcase (it has 4 wheels and is easy to drag) on Sunday, and an older gentlemen shared his amazement with me. I am just like anyone else with goals and dreams. And I <3 to travel.

I do ask for help. Every week almost I go to McDonald’s during my Wal-Mart run and ask for help to get my Coke in my water bottle. We all need help, like Judith and Sunaura point out. We should not be ashamed to ask for help.

I do agree with Judith that it is a little rebellish to go out, be independent, and ask for help in any man-dan daily activity. However, that should not stop us as individuals with disabilities. If anything, I would encourage Judith to go out for coffee and carry it herself to a table. The only way we as a society will overcome differences is if we start expressing and owning our differences.

What are your thoughts?

2 thoughts on “Discussion on Differences of Abilities

  1. Dany

    Chris,It’s Aunt Nancy I remember to get on the wetisbe how interesting. We are bummed that we didn’t know you were leaving so soon in September, your mom originally told us October and we were going to come down before you left to give all 3 of you hugs and kisses. We will keep you in our prayers we love you very much. Still would love to get one of those pink coffee pots .let me know if you run across one. Keep posting.

    1. Erin M Diericx Post author

      Peace be with you, Nancy! I appreciate your kind words, though I believe you are looking for another website. My name is Erin M Diericx. Many blessings, E

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