Daily Archives: November 4, 2014

Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost: Raising a New Leader to Greatness


Joshua 3:7-17


Peace be with you!

The transitions from Moses to Joshua and from the wilderness to the Promised Land are still taking place. God is forming Joshua into greatness. However, the transformation is a process—which takes time and energy. God verifies he will be with Joshua, like he was Moses in the wilderness in the past (Joshua 3:7). The leadership may change, but God will always be with the Israelites.

The Israelites will see, hear, and know God through Joshua, like they did with Moses. First, the Israelites hear God’s words. Joshua speaks God’s words to the Israelites to reaffirm his promise to be with them—they will conquer the Canaanites, Hittities, Hivities, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites, and Jebusites for the Promised Land. Second, the Israelites see God’s power. Like Moses led the Israelites across the Nile River, Joshua leads the Israelites across the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Twelve priests are chosen to carry the Ark of the Covenant across the Jordan River; they stand in the middle of the river to separate the waters (Joshua 3:12-14). The Ark of the Covenant is also important, because it is the agreement between God and the Israelites. By making the Ark of the Covenant a focal point, God reminds the Israelites about their agreement and his commitment to them. Third, the Israelites experience and recognize God’s power and he is with them. Understanding God’s power and commitment to you is so crucial to having faith in a God you cannot see. Faith allows you to be transformed by God throughout your life.

God also promises to transform Joshua into greatness like he did with Moses. God had to encouraging Moses up by telling him he was strong enough, and that he would be with him every step. God uses the same symbols to tell Israelites that Joshua is their new leader as he did with Moses—parting the Red Sea and the Jordan River. This eases the transition from Moses to Joshua for the Israelites by making it easier to recognize Joshua as their new leader and easier to recognize that God is still with them.

By allowing them to see, hear, and know him, God is accepting the Israelites as his chosen people. God allows the Israelites to cross the Jordan River on dry land to conquer the Canaanites, Hittities, Hivities, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites, and Jebusites in the Promised Land. God delivers on his promise.

As I look at the past few weeks of grieving for my grandparents, I see God’s hand transforming me. I am not sure what God is transforming me into yet, but he is making me stronger and enabling me to recognize when, where, and how I need help when, where, and how I need him. Instead of waiting for direction from my parents, I feel his hand leading me to individuals who can help me and my family… I am becoming a caregiver in my family, instead of being cared for. It is an awkward shift in roles, yet God is the transformer. God is and will help and lead me, and that’s all I need to know.

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for lifting Joshua up as a leader and transforming him into greatness. Give us the understanding that transformation into greatness happens over time, not in an instant. Transform us into greatness to do your work in the world. Thank you for being with the Israelites and leading them to the Promised Land. Amen.

Reflective Questions

Please answer the following reflective questions in the comments below. Please agree to disagree and be respectful to each other. (If you have not already done so, please also take a moment, to sign the behavior covenant by commenting on it.) You can answer as many questions as you would like.

  1. How is God transforming you into greatness?
  2. How is God keeping his promise today?