Category Archives: Devotion

The Good News of Jesus Christ, not People

Big & Rich own the rights to the lyrics and music. Video found on YouTube:


Third Sunday of Pentecost: Galatians 1:11-24

Peace be with you!

Have you ever watched a television evangelist preaching about fiery hell? “Call my 800 number to make a donation to [whatever “it” is] and receive answers to all your prayers!” I giggle every time I hear Big and Rich’s song “Filthy Rich.” The second verse goes:

I saw a preacher on the TV

With big diamond rings on his hand

He was beggin’ for some money

He said to send us every penny you can


I guess the good Lord’s got a mortgage

And a payment on a yacht in the Keys

So we better keep sendin’ our hard earned livin’

To those God-fearin’ folks on TV[i]

Television evangelists asking for your money is nonsensical. God answers prayers in his own timing. Sure, Deuteronomy 14:22 says we should tithe to the Lord a tenth of our income. As a Christian, you are a child of God, and God has given all that you own. Therefore, when you give, you give back to God what is his. However, God does not care how much you give. There is no specific amount of money to guarantee your entry into the kingdom of God or the answering of your prayers. Jesus wants us to help those in need, freely and without compulsion. Making donations to your local church, Lutheran Services, Feeding America, National Ability Center, Compassion, World Vision, Charity:Water, and [whatever “it” is] you believe in helps others. The church or the organization should have some accreditations outlining how it will use the donations, so the givers know where their money is being used and what for.

Reflection Questions: What are some of your favorite nonprofits or causes? How do you help those in need?

Paul’s critics have been in Galatia questioning his accreditations among the people who are supporting his church and mission. His critics are asking the Galatians if they know Paul has persecuted Christians in the past and questioning how they can follow such a person. They do not understand how a man who grew up as a faithful Jew can turn his back on the Jewish traditions and speak about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The very person Paul persecuted others for following he now calls his Savior and calls others to follow.


Jews are attacking Paul’s conversion—his flipping sides. Jews do not understand how someone rejects a message one minute, and then the next minute is willing to die for the same message. As Christians, we can find hope in Paul’s conversion for our family members, friends, and colleagues who do not know or have a personal relationship with Jesus. We understand the resistance Paul is facing from his Jewish contemporaries. We know people who reject the good news too. We know how it feels to watch people who say they are Christian acting to the contrary.

Reflection Questions: How do non-Christians or other Christians criticize you? How do you handle the criticism? How does Paul’s example change how you will handle criticism?

The Jewish contemporaries resist any change to their faith traditions and do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Paul’s message of the good news threatens the Jewish faith system and questions their ways of life. His critics question Paul’s authority to start churches in the name of Jesus and to tell people that they are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; after all, Paul never personally knew Jesus when he was alive. How can someone have faith in an individual whom he never met?

Paul answers his critics with the snarky truth. “My accreditations,” he explains, “come from Jesus Christ’s revelation on the road to Damascus” (see Galatians 1:11-12). His accreditations do not come from a human origin; they come from the Lord God. As we noted in the last devotion, Paul is not looking for a “attaboy” from his contemporaries. Paul has made a lifestyle change; he is living for Jesus Christ—no one else. Paul is working on spreading the good news of Jesus Christ’s saving grace through Jesus’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection. Paul is looking to bring others into a relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Reflection Questions: Has anyone ever questioned your faith? How can you believe in an individual who died and rose two thousand years ago?

Paul does not give in to his critics. Paul confesses his past sins: he persecuted Christians before his revelation and advanced quickly within the structures of Judaism (Galatians 1:13-14). He is up-front with the Galatians and hides nothing about his past.

However, Paul is not who he was before his revelation. Now he takes no orders originating from humans; Paul’s orders come from God the Father through Jesus Christ. Through a revelation, Jesus calls Paul to share the good news wherever he goes and with whomever he meets. Paul’s life is transformed by his revelation from Jesus. Paul goes from a persecutor of Christians to a preacher of the good news and lives as a called Christian.

Reflection Questions: How has your faith changed you? Has it given you peace? Has it given you a purpose?

We are all called to share the good news wherever we go and with whomever we meet. You do not have to be called to preach to share the good news. You can be a doctor or a nurse who shares God’s compassion with your patients, a lawyer who shows mercy and grace to your clients, a chef who feeds the hungry, an accountant who protects the poor, an advocate who gives a voice to the silent, a parent who loves your children, a bus driver who cares for their passengers, or a [whatever “it” is] you do to share the good news. Paul uses the skills he learned in the Jewish faith system and as a Roman to spread the good news with the world. No matter what you do, God calls upon you to share the good news by living out the Christian faith. No matter what happened in your past, God offers you grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love. No matter what, God calls upon you to do his will in the world.

Reflection Questions: How has someone used your past against you? How did you try to change their perspective of you? How has your past made you a stronger Christian?

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving Paul a revelation through Jesus Christ to change his heart toward you. Help us to work past the criticism of others and to continue to spread the good news, no matter who tries to stand in our way. Remind us we are all called to share the good news in our daily lives. Guide us to use our resources to feed the hungry, to protect the poor, to give the silent a voice, to heal the sick, and to clothe the naked. Thank you for calling us to be your voice and to act son your behalf in this world. Amen.

[i] Big and Rich, “Lyrics: ‘Filthy Rich,’” Google Play Music,

Faithful Christian To-Do List to Enter the Kingdom of God

Erin's to-do list

Erin’s to-do list

Second Sunday after Pentecost: Galatians 1:1-12

Peace be with you!

I begin my week by making my to-do list on Sunday evenings. I write down my appointments and meetings in brown. Then I write down what I need or would like to accomplish each day of the week—items in blue are household tasks; items in green are website and church related, items in purple are reminders to send cards to individuals, and so on. Some weeks my calendar looks messier than others. Without my to-do list, I am lost and confused, and I find myself getting distracted by browsing Facebook. My to-do list gives me direction and helps me stay on track, plus I get a sense of accomplishment when I check off items in red.

Reflection Questions: How do you get yourself organized for the day or the week ahead? Do you have to-do lists? Do you set alarms for reminders on your phone or tablet?

In Galatia, Paul had shared the good news of the freedom of forgiveness in Jesus Christ and founded a church there. He left the Galatians believing that Jesus welcomes them into a relationship with God the Father. The Galatians knew they could not earn their way into the kingdom of God through their good works; they had to believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of their sins and that faith was their ticket into the kingdom of God—nothing more and nothing less.

Reports of the activities of the Galatians had been shared with Paul and what he hears does not make him very happy. The Galatians have fallen prey trap to false teachers who have announced they need to be circumcised and do good works in order to earn their way into the kingdom of God. Like the Galatians, we too become trapped by the world’s requirements. When students start a new degree program, they are given a checklist of requirements, and upon completion they are given a diploma, which signifies they are ready to work in the field. Companies set standards for their employees’ daily workload and opportunities for advancement. People go to the gym with goals in mind and are given a workout program to do two or three days a week. The church even has checklists for individuals who wish to be deacons or priests. There is an order in which things need to be done and people who confirm you are ready for the next step. Even at home, we have our own checklists and standards to live by. No wonder we are conditioned to work toward something—checking off requirements, working towards a goal, and meeting standards. We would like it if God would just say what his requirements are for us to be his children.

Reflection Questions: How do you seek approval from the world? Do you get overwhelmed? Do you pace yourself?

However, God does not have a long checklist of requirements for us to meet. Paul is jumping up and down saying, “NO! You cannot earn your way into the kingdom of God on your own accord. Jesus Christ came into the world, walked with us, died on the cross, rose again, and ascended into heaven so that we may come into a relationship with God the Father and enter the kingdom of God” (see Galatians 1:6-12). Over the next six weeks, we will see Paul direct the Galatians (and us) away from earthly solutions and point them and us toward God’s grace, love, and forgiveness.

Paul is not looking for a pat on the back or a “good job, bro.” Paul is not looking for approval from his call committee or synod or employer to begin ministries in the world. Jesus Christ commissioned Paul through a vision on the road to Damascus (Galatians 1:12). If he wanted approval from his earthly counterparts, Paul would have stayed doing his job for the Jewish synagogue as a Pharisee (Galatians 1:10). But that would have been the easy way out. Paul chose the path to salvation.Screenshot 2016-05-29 14.21.07

Life would be easier if it came with a checklist. For the Galatians, the false teachers were giving them a checklist to complete in order to enter the kingdom of God: circumcise all males, follow the Ten Commandments, and observe the Jewish festivals. However, Paul will argue this checklist only gains you earthly approval—not God’s approval. Maybe in Old Testament times this checklist was important, but Jesus Christ changed all of that. The Galatians (and we) are living in a new age where faith in Jesus Christ gives us passage into the kingdom of God.

Reflection Questions: How do you seek approval from God? Is it ever enough?

Paul has given the Galatians the way to get into the kingdom of God: admit you are sinner who needs forgiveness and believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior. But it seems too easy for the Galatians and for us. We want to earn our own way into heaven. Paul jumps up and down and says, “No, listen up people; you cannot earn your own way into heaven; you need Jesus Christ who came into the world, walked with us, died on the cross, rose again, and ascended into heaven to offer us God’s love, grace, and forgiveness, so we may come into a relationship with God the Father and enter the Screenshot 2016-05-29 14.25.20kingdom of God” (see Galatians 1:6-12). Paul is begging the Galatians not to get wrapped in some unnecessary checklist to meet the requirements to enter heaven. All you need is faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior.

Reflection Questions: What does it mean to you that Jesus died for your sins? How does it feel that your faith is enough for you to enter the kingdom of God?

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving Paul the vision to spread the good news across the Roman Empire. Help us to resist the temptation to complete checklists in order to try to earn our way into heaven. Direct us instead to have faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior. Remind us that you sent Jesus into the world to die for our sins and to give us eternal life. Thank you for Paul’s commitment to the good news. Amen

Learning from the Holy Spirit

Trinity Sunday: Romans 5:1-5 and John 16:12-15

Peace be with you!

In college, I studied direct marketing, and the professors did not use textbooks, because as soon as they were printed they would be outdated. Instead of textbooks, marketing professors required us to read articles from eMarketer and The New York Times to learn the latest marketing techniques. The world is constantly changing and evolving, and as lifelong learners, scholars are constantly engaging with new scholarship and debating with each other. Even if you did not get a degree, you learn from on the job how to do a specific trade. Our parents and mentors also continue to teach their adult children how to take care of a home and their own child and how handle different situations. A couple months ago my father help me get a new vehicle by going with me to the dealership to get the best possible deal. I call my dad whenever I have a car related question, because he always takes the time to explain what needs to be done and why it needs to be done. No matter your education background you are always learning.

Reflection Questions: How do you keep up with the ever-changing world? Do you watch or read the news? Do you keep up with the latest technology?

Jesus seems to contradict himself. He says, “I have told you everything God the Father has told me” (see John 15:15), and “I still have many things to tell you, so I am sending you the Holy Spirit to guide you” (see John 16:12-13). It is confusing: one minute the disciples know everything, and the next minute they still have a lot to learn. And why can’t Jesus continue to teach them? He is still there.

Reflection Questions: What emotions do you think the disciples are having? Has a mentor or teacher ever said you got it but still a lot to learn?

This passage comes out of the farewell discourse during the Last Supper. Jesus understands this is the last time he will be physically with all of his disciples prior to his death and resurrection. During the last three years, Jesus has taught and explained everything he possibly could to the disciples, yet they do not know or understand everything they need to. Jesus understands there is no way to completely prepare the disciples for everything that is to come. Even if Jesus could, his disciples will die eventually, and then this knowledge and preparation must be passed on to new generations.

In order to live out its faith, the church must navigate also in a constantly changing world. These two truths are held in tension with one another: we have everything we need (universal truth), and yet there is always more to learn (real-world application of this universal truth).

The bridge between timeless truth and application today is the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells the disciples he will send the Holy Spirit to guide them as he has led them. Just as God the Father told Jesus everything, Jesus will tell the Holy Spirit everything (John 16:13). Because God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one, the Holy Spirit will lead the way to Jesus who will in turn lead us to the Father. The Holy Spirit makes the Father and the Son accessible to everyone, regardless of time and space.

Reflection Questions: How have you felt the presence of the Holy Spirit? How has the Holy Spirit made the presence of God the Father and God the Son known to you?

The Holy Spirit connects us to God the Father and God the Son and to an event that took place two thousand years ago. Through the Holy Spirit, we are able to know, understand, and recognize God’s power to forgive through his love, grace, and mercy. As cultures, media, and economic situations change, the Holy Spirit keeps us connected with God the Father and God the Son. The Holy Spirit guides us through our daily lives by deepening our relationship with the Triune God.

Each situation and relationship challenges our relationship with God. Some situations and relationships cause us to feel closer to God. We feel filled with the Holy Spirit and as if God is directly guiding our lives. Other times, situations and relationships seem to hinder our relationship with God. It feels as though God has forgotten us. Our prayers seem to go unanswered. God seems to be taking a break. Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that we got it on our own—no need to bother God. However, even when God seems distant or when we try to do it on our own, the Holy Spirit is there leading and guiding us. Even as times, media, and cultures change, Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit to comfort us when we are discouraged, to forgive us when we fall, to guide us throughout time, and to deliver us into God’s love.

The Holy Spirit is here to see us through anything and everything. It is difficult to explain how we know the Holy Spirit is with us today. Some individuals get a sensation from the Holy Spirit when they pray and worship. Others feel the Holy Spirit when they sit quietly and meditate. Some people hear a voice, like an unexpected thought, urging them to take a leap of faith. Some individuals feel the Holy Spirit taking their hand or holding them during a difficult situation. Sometimes the Holy Spirit uses others to give a prophetic word or direction to someone. Other times something will happen that can only be explained by being a miracle. No matter how the Holy Spirit communicates with an individual there is always something that cannot be explain by anything of the world. The Holy Spirit takes you by surprise and gives you a sense of purpose or that you are not alone.

Reflection Questions: How have you grown closer to God? How has the Holy Spirit connected you with God the Father and God the Son?

Just as scholars, professionals, and individuals are constantly learning and debating with each other, we as Christians are constantly working to deepen our relationship with the Triune God and to learn to apply timeless truth to our current contexts. At our baptisms and confirmations, we do not know where God will lead us or what he will require of us. We probably do not understand God’s unconditional love for us. That is okay. God the Father and God the Son understand it is a lot to take in, which is why they sent the Holy Spirit to be in the world to lead and guide us. The Holy Spirit helps us in our faith journeys and helps us understand God’s love, grace, and mercy.

Reflection Questions: What has the Holy Spirit led you to do?

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. Make the presence of the Holy Spirit known to us. Lead us to do your will in the world. Keep us steadfast in this. Deliver us from our adversities. Lift us up into your presence, where there is endless love and joy. Amen.

Bringing People of All Abilities Together

© Copyright 2015 Original Artwork by Erin M Diericx

© Copyright 2015 Original Artwork by Erin M Diericx

Day of Pentecost: Acts 2:1-21

Peace be with you!

According to, disability is “a physical or mental handicap, especially one that prevents a person from living a full, normal life or from holding a gainful job.” The word disability has a negative connotation, and its definition implies anyone with a disability—let alone someone with multiple diagnoses—cannot live a full, normal life.

As an individual who has had her disability since birth, I have had to wrestle with what it means to be someone with cerebral palsy. Back in the early 1980s, doctors did not know how cerebral palsy affected a person and their ability to live their life. In fact, the doctors told my parents I would never walk, talk, or sit up. The doctors assumed I would be under my parents’ care all my life and would never live in my own house and pay my own bills. In my poem entitled “Never Mind the Doctors,” I talk about feeling the world is against me and seeking to prove the doctors wrong. I feel triumphant that I so often managed to do just that.

Reflection Questions: How someone has placed limits on you? How were you able to prove them wrong?

Even as we celebrate the twenty-sixth anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the disabled culture is still working to educate society that a person with a disability has the ability to hold a sustaining career and have a family. Society still holds on tight to stigmas that people with disabilities cannot lead productive and fulfilling lives, because the prefix dis- implies an inability to do anything.

Reflection Questions: How do you educate others on your disabilities and your abilities? How do you fight against stigmas society imposes on you?

On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were gathered and a wind filled the entire house (Acts 2:1-2). The Holy Spirit gave the men the ability to speak different languages and to understand one another (Acts 2:4, 6). The devoted Jews who were present began questioning if these men were drunk (Acts 2:13). How could Italians, Serbians, people from Croatia, Romania, and Greece, Asians, citizens of Egypt, Libya, and Arabia, and people in the Middle East all be bursting out in their own languages about God’s deeds (Acts 2:9-11)? How could they even understand one another, let alone be sharing the news? These people did not understand each other’s languages. They did not speak to one another. And yet here they were, discussing the good news of Jesus Christ and receiving the Holy Spirit together. How could this be?

Reflection Questions: Have you ever been accused of hanging around the “wrong” kinds of people? Or has God led you to befriend someone with whom you would not otherwise associate?

Peter reminds the Jews of Joel 2:28-32: “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist. The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the Lord’s great and glorious day. Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:17-21 NRSV).

Peter saw the day of Pentecost as a fulfillment of Scripture as the Holy Spirit entered the world. Pentecost started as a Jewish holiday to commentate the fifth day after Passover when Moses received the Ten Commandments. Now, fifty days after Jesus’s resurrection from the grave, the disciples and other followers of Jesus receive the Holy Spirit as their advocate. The Holy Spirit breaks down the language barrier, so people around the world are able to hear and understand the good news of Jesus’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection. For the first time, the word of God becomes accessible to all people.

Reflection Questions: How has God used you to break down barriers between two opposing groups?

Jesus promised abundance of life by sending the disciples an Advocate who would continue to unfold God’s love for all to know (John 16:8-11). The Advocate would provide protection and intercede on our behalf as a mediator. The Advocate would lead the disciples and us by the truth of what is to come in the future. In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit bears the good news, so the disciples can be empowered to share it with the world. Today, Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit to embody and model the good news for us, so that we can know and come to understand what it means.

Reflection Questions: When has the Holy Spirit protected you? Was there a situation the Holy Spirit helped you through?

In the disabled culture, the day of Pentecost gives people hope that God recognizes many different abilities. People who have disabilities are able to do many things and should be recognized not by their disabilities but their abilities. The Holy Spirit gives people— disabled or able—of all abilities the power to live fulfilling lives to God’s glory. The Holy Spirit becomes an advocate for people with disabilities by empowering them with other gifts. People with physical disabilities are able to help the aging population with adaptation to homes and in public, because they understand what it means to feel isolated by barriers. People with cognitive disabilities see the world differently, and they are able to better relate to children since they think on their level. People with disabilities are more welcoming, because they know what it feels like to be an outcast or being seen as different.

Reflection Questions: How has the Holy Spirit equipped you to share the good news? Where has the Holy Spirit led you to go? What are your spiritual gifts?

If we as a society could think about people based on their abilities, not their disabilities, maybe we could make the world a better place for people of all abilities. The Holy Spirit equips people and gives them specific abilities that enable them to spread the good news. The Holy Spirit breaks down physical barriers in order to welcome people with disabilities into the community where people share the love of Christ. The Holy Spirit advocates for all people to be welcomed to worship God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Reflection Questions: What are some of your hidden abilities? Have you ever been called to do something that you did not think you could do? Did you amaze yourself?

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for making your word accessible to everyone. Help us to understand each other’s needs in order to allow everyone to live fulfilling lives. Break down the barriers separating us from one another. Set our hearts on fire as we welcome people with different abilities into our community. Thank you for sending us an advocate. Amen.

Empowering Us with the Holy Spirit

Photo Credit: Amber Sue Photography,

Photo Credit: Amber Sue Photography,

Ascension of Our Lord: Luke 24:44-53

Peace be with you!

Every Mother’s Day I think about all of the strong women who have influenced me. My elementary special education team always pushed me to do better and to meet my goals. My lead teacher for seven years helped me develop my writing skills. My physical therapist taught me to set short- and long-term goals and to continue to work toward those goals no matter what. My occupational therapist always could get me laughing and working toward goals, even on days when my muscles had other plans. She also helped me to recognize my own limits and understand that when I got tired I needed to rest. My classroom aide instilled patience and kindness in me as well as the knowledge of when to ask for help, especially when I was scared. There was also the school’s cook who always had me laughing. Her daughter became a volunteer in my special education classroom and was a mentor to me during the difficult teenage years and beyond.

Of course, my mother is my biggest supporter. She worked with my special education team to push me to meet my goals. My mother’s faith in the Triune God led me to follow Jesus Christ and to have a strong moral core. (I fall short sometimes, but I strive to live according to God’s will—and much of that is because of my mother.) All of these women have helped to form me into the woman I am today.

Reflection Questions: Who has influenced you? Did you have a mentor growing up? Do you have a spiritual director or pastor?

The transition from elementary school to middle school was difficult for me. At the end of sixth grade, I had a difficult time imagining going to middle school without my special education team whom I had been with for seven years. I remember crying a few times, because I scared of change and of not having their support. Of course, I would have a special education team in middle school, but the transition meant leaving behind everything I knew. These women knew me. They had watched me grow up. They were there for me when my parents separated and got divorced. Who could ever replace them?

Reflection Questions: Have you experienced a difficult transition in life?

At his ascension, Jesus says, “The scriptures say the Messiah will suffer, die, and rise after three days for the repentance and forgiveness of sins to be proclaimed throughout the world. You have witnessed these events, and now as the Father has promised, I am sending you out with the same power he gives me. Stay here until the Holy Spirit empowers you to proclaim the good news to the world” (see Luke 24:46-49).

I imagine the disciples are scared of the drastic change at Jesus’s ascension—the transition from having Jesus physically with them every day to not seeing him at all. Sure, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to guide the disciples, but what does that mean? How can someone they cannot see guide them? Like my transition from elementary school to middle school, the disciples are faced with the unknown. They cannot imagine life without Jesus physically being there.

Jesus promises to empower the disciples with the Holy Spirit to live out their faith. The Holy Spirit will empower the disciples to bring people to believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will go out and find those who have strayed away and bring them back into the fold. The Holy Spirit will lead the disciples, the apostles, and, later, us to pray for the sick, the lame, the poor, and the homeless. The Holy Spirit will be there for the disciples, the apostles, and us, just as Jesus was physically there for the disciples.

How do we know the Holy Spirit is here for us today? We know it every time we pray to God for healing or direction and witness our prayers being answered. When we pray for guidance, we seek the Holy Spirit for God’s wisdom. When we pray for Jesus to heal the lame, we seek the Holy Spirit for Jesus’s healing power. When we pray, we invite the Holy Spirit to show us Jesus’s power and might in the world. By answering our prayers, God demonstrates how he is still in the world. Sometimes God seems silents making us think our prayers are going unanswered, but in reality God maybe asking us to go in a different direction or we may need to repent and seek forgiveness before God can act on our behalf. Our hearts and minds need to be open to God’s call for our lives. God is not limited by time, a location, or a reason. God continues to express his love for us through healing us, forgiving us, and empowering us to go do his work in the world. This is how we know God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are still in the world today.

Reflection Questions: How has Jesus empowered you with the Holy Spirit? Do you pray over people for discernment and healing? Do you help the poor, the hungry, and the disabled?

As Jesus ascends to heaven, he promises to send the Holy Spirit, commissions the disciples to spread the good news, and blesses them. Jesus empowers the disciples to continue his work in the world by giving them his power and authority. The disciples watch Jesus go to heaven as he blesses them to embrace their continued journey in their faith, and through the disciples and apostles we receive the same blessings.

Reflection Questions: How is Jesus blessing you on your journey of faith?

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for promising us the Holy Spirit to lead us. Help us to live out the commission to spread the good news throughout the world. Bless us with the Holy Spirit as we pray for the sick, the lame, the poor, and the homeless. Bring about healing in the world, so we can see your power and feel your love. Amen.

Erasing Distinctions

photo credit: Lao Kids via photopin (license)

photo credit: Lao Kids via photopin (license)

Peace be with you!

The moment everything changes takes your breath away, causes your heels to dig in, and a firm “no” to come out. Fear replaces happiness; anxiety replaces peace; questions replace answers. Sometimes the change takes place over time, as with a child taking on more responsibilities. Other times the change happens in a split second, as when an individual becomes paralyzed in a car accident. Change requires patience, understanding, grace, an open mind, and dedication. Life changes define each chapter, each generation, and each cause.

Each individual handles changes differently depending on their past experiences and personality. Take the second example: A person who is paralyzed in an accident can be intimidated by all of the changes in their life, including being in a wheelchair, needing more time and energy to do daily activities, and needing adaptive equipment. This change affects every aspect of a person’s life, even going to the bathroom. How a person handles becoming paralyzed depends on their outlook on life. A pessimistic person will have a harder time adjusting than an optimistic person. A pessimistic person will give up more easily when challenged by a disability and will be skeptical when asked to do something new, while an optimistic person will take on each task with excitement and determination.

The adjustment period to having a disability and being viewed as different is a challenge in itself, even if you are born with the disability. As a teenager, I remember feeling left out of normal activities, such parties with my peers and getting my driver’s license. I blamed my disability for holding me back from making friends and experiencing normal teenage life. When I reluctantly tried adaptive downhill skiing, I finally realized I was looking in the wrong places and in the wrong ways. Instead of expecting to do things like my peers, I needed to look for outlets, which emphasized my abilities. When a person is paralyzed, he needs to surround himself with people who will lift up his abilities and interests. She needs to learn new ways of doing what she enjoys. It takes time to learn to accept your disability and to live your life based on your actual interests and abilities. When you do this, you are able to enter a community, which will welcome you with open arms and will lift you up.

In the same way, we place limits on our faith—what we believe is in and out of bounds. In Acts 11, circumcised Jews are criticizing Peter for sharing meals with Gentiles who are not circumcised. Peter explains he had a vision where a voice told him to go kill and eat four-legged animals (Acts 11:6-7). As a Jew, Peter believed these four-legged animals were unclean and should not be eaten, basing his belief on the Torah. These four-legged animals were out of bounds for Jews. However, the voice told Peter, “God has made these four-legged animals clean” (see Acts 11:9), and therefore he could eat them. In the vision, the voice explains how Peter should not condemn what God has made clean. It is not our job to determine what is clean and unclean; however, it is our job to do God’s work in the world.

Ever since he sent Jesus Christ, the Messiah, into the world to die for our sins, God has been doing new things. God no longer makes distinctions between clean and unclean or between Jews and Gentiles.

Then the Spirit tells Peter to go with six believers to a Gentile man’s house and to share the good news with the entire household (Acts 11:12). The Spirit instructs Peter not to make a distinction between “them and us” when proclaiming the good news to the household.

During civil rights movements, there was a “them” and “us” division. In the suffrage movement, the distinction was between male and female. Other distinctions are between white and black, between able and disabled, between heterosexual and homosexual, and between slave and free. These distinctions create barriers between groups and make one group feel second-class and the other group feels superior. It stops us from loving our neighbors as Jesus instructs us to do (John 13:34) when we divide ourselves by creating a “them” verses “us” morality.

After Peter tells the Jews how the Spirit instructed him to go to a Gentile man’s house to share the good news, he asks them, “How can I argue with the Lord over what is clean and what is unclean?” (see Acts 11:17). Through Jesus’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection, God is changing how people should be viewed and who can be in a relationship with him. Now all can be in a relationship with him, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, political views, abilities, and [whatever “it” is] by which we make distinctions. By calling us to love our neighbors, Jesus calls us to back down from the “them” and “us” division in order to start a dialogue with people who are different than us. This dialogue allows us to learn from each other and to bring heaven into the world.

Change is inevitable when dialogue begins between two or more groups. This starts breaking down divisions and begins to build relationships around trust, loyalty, and respect. Each of the groups who have worked for increased civil rights in this country have faced oppression and unfair treatment. African-Americans, women, and people with disabilities have all experienced being pushed aside, as though they are not humans and are inconveniences to society. Each of these groups has demanded equality and to be heard by society. Women wanted to be equal to men; African-Americans wanted to be equal to Caucasians; people with disabilities wanted equal opportunities as people without disabilities had.

God has already made us equals in his eyes. Jesus suffered on the cross, died, and rose again for all of our sins, not just for the Jewish people. We are all children of God, regardless of our age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, political views, abilities, and [whatever “it” is] that we make distinctions based on. It is our own limits that stop us from knowing what is possible with God by our side. Getting rid of these distinctions allows us to stop placing limit on what God can do and start putting his possibilities into motion. Then we are able to see the Holy Spirit at work in the world.

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for breaking down the barriers produced by our human-made distinctions. Help us to be in dialogue and relationship with one another. Lead us to be your instruments in the world. Quiet our minds so we can listen and learn from others. Guide our dialogues so that we may do your will. Thank you for making all of us your children. Amen.

Fifth Sunday of Easter:

Acts 11:1-18

John 13:31-35


Reflection Questions

How well do you handle change? Do life changes give you anxiety? Or do you handle life changes with ease?












Reflection Questions

How do you place limits on yourself? Have you ever tried something you thought you could not do or would not enjoy?















Reflection Questions

How do you put limits on God? How did God break your barriers?











Reflection Questions

What distinctions do you make about others? What are the consequences of “them” verses “us” division?


















Reflection Questions

How do you try to get rid of distinctions in your community? What kinds of dialogue did it open up?








Reflection Questions

When have you been in dialogue with someone who is different? What did you learn? How did it change you?












Who is Jesus?


Peace be with you!

04 RQ-1

As Christians, we live in, but are not of, the world. Friends, family members, and colleagues question why we do things differently than the world. They ask us to leave God out of it. They get uncomfortable when we pray before meals or during times of tragedy. The world asks us to leave our faith at home.

In John 10, we have the Good Shepherd discourse in which Jesus explains how he will never abandon a lost soul. 04 RQ-2Jesus is the Good Shepherd who the sheep will follow
when he calls (John 10:16). As the Good Shepherd, Jesus is the gateway for the sheep to enter the pasture where he will keep them safe. Jesus also explains his relationship with God the Father. Because Jesus and God the Father know and have mutual respect for each other, the Father knows Jesus will do anything, even laying down his life, for those individuals who are lost (John 10:15). The Good Shepherd discourse shows us just how far Jesus will go to redeem us as God’s children.

The Jews continue to debate who Jesus really is as a person. Is Jesus the Messiah, or is he speaking blasphemy (John 10:24, 33)? It is an intense conversation between Jesus and the Jews in which they almost stone him (John 10:31). The Jews are having difficulty changing the way they think about their God who gave them the Ten Commandments, with the first one being to have no other gods before the Lord. To say God the Father and Jesus are one is blasphemy in the eyes of the Jews. Yet some Jews are asking if Jesus is the Messiah. These Jews would love Jesus to come right out and say he is the Messiah. When they ask him directly, Jesus says, “I have said so already, and you do not believe” (see John 10:25). The Jews are coming at Jesus on both sides of the issue, and Jesus cannot win with either one.04 RQ-3

At the heart of this debate are the questions of Jesus’s identity and what you believe to be true. If you are like the Jews, you are torn between honoring your God and looking for the Messiah. You do not want to be guilty of blasphemy, but what if Jesus is the Messiah and was sent by God? What are the chances? Could Jesus really be God’s equal? Is Jesus really leading them to the kingdom of God? The Jews are caught in the old way of thinking in which people would offer a sacrifice in order to be made clean.

However, Jesus presents us with a new way of thinking: He is one with the Father (John 10:30), and therefore he is our way into the kingdom of God. If we believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah who redeems us through his crucifixion, death, and resurrection, then we are granted the opportunity to enter kingdom of God and to be in relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We hear Jesus 04 RQ-4calling our names, and we follow him (John 10:27), because we believe and know Jesus is the Messiah. We trust Jesus will keep us safe and protect us during difficult times. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who keeps his sheep (us) from wandering too far from the Lord. When we wander too far, Jesus comes looking—calling us back into the fold. Jesus calls us to be in community with one another in order to strengthen our own relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

As a united community, we fight against the ways of the world. As a community—his chosen children—Jesus promises to never abandon us. Even when one of us wanders off, Jesus promises to come looking for the missing. Everyone is a beloved child who matters to God; no one is left behind, unless they turn their backs to God and even then he comes looking. The good news about salvation is that it is not our doing—we did not earn it. Salvation is a gift from God the Father through Jesus’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection. We are forgiven and invited back into the fold when we turn back to God. This is the good news of the resurrection—a promise for each individual and for the whole community.04 RQ-5

Living in the world presents hazards to our faith and way of life. Today we run into people like those in the story, people who question how we can believe in Jesus and the resurrection. Others question how we can live blindly and believe in the impossible—a man rising from the dead. Some people question how we can believe in God at all. Still others would like us to leave God out of our work as if anything is possible and could exist without him.

As Christians, we fight against these fantasies and declare that existing without the aid of God is impossible. We believe and understand our very being is centered around God and his will. We believe and understand God chooses us as his children. We believe and understand God gives us salvation; Jesus’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection was and is for our redemption and the remission of our sins. We believe and understand Jesus provides us with a way to be in a relationship with God the Father, not on our own merits but by the forgiveness, grace, and love of God. We believe and understand these things to be true, because we believe and understand the truth and the way. Because we believe and understand these things, we are able to live in confidence that Jesus will always be there to protect and hold us.

A month ago I took a seminar with Nigel W. D. Mumford in which he discussed the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder and how one can learn to cope and be healed. One of Mumford’s main points was to put Jesus in between yourself and the assailant—to put Jesus into that traumatic scene. Several of us experienced healings that afternoon. One lady re-imagined a night she got home well past her curfew, a night that resulted in her dad hitting her in the driveway. When she placed Jesus in the scene, he blocked her dad from hitting her and kissed her cheek. In that moment, the lady was healed from her fear and resentment toward her father. Later on, Mumford talked about speaking at the Pentagon and being asked to develop a protocol for returning veterans to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder but he had to leave Jesus out of it. Mumford said, “No, thanks,” because you cannot leave Jesus—the main ingredient—out. Jesus comes to our rescue and saves us from the time of trial. Jesus is the reason we are able to overcome our fears; nothing and no one else will do.

As Christians, we do our best to love not just our neighbor but our enemy as well. We pray for and with the homeless, the poor, the disabled, and [whoever “it” is] that needs and desires the love of God. We meet resistance from the world, because we are not of the world, and therefore we have a different message. We 04 RQ-6are in the world to spread the good news of the power of the resurrection. We work to further Jesus’s message of forgiveness, grace, and love in order to bring others into a relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for calling us by name back into the fold. Help us to be a united community in the world to work together to strengthen one another. Lead us to share the good news with the lost. Let us rejoice in the resurrection and the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Jesus Asks, “Do You Love Me?”

Erin M Diericx and her mom

Erin M Diericx and her mom


Peace be with you!03 Easter Reflection Question-2

There is nothing more intimidating than being interrogated by your mother. Somehow mothers always know the truth, even before and in the midst of questioning you.[i] My mother always catches me in my lies right away. For example, when I try to change plans with her so I can go out with friends, she says, “Just tell me you want to go out with your friends instead of coming here for dinner,” or “Fine, just go out with your friends. I have not seen you in two weeks, but go out with them.” Mothers’ sixth sense allows them to know their children’s needs, wants, and behaviors even before they can vocalize them.03 Easter Reflection Question-1

Jesus knows his disciples’ needs, wants, and behaviors like a parent does. In John 21:1-19, Jesus appears to seven of his disciples by the Sea of Tiberias for a third and final time after his resurrection. Presumably Peter and the other disciples have gone back to their previous occupation after Jesus dies. One night the seven disciples go fishing and catch no fish (John 21:3). At dawn, the disciples see a man on the shore who tells them to put their net on the other side of the boat, and when they do, they caught so many that they cannot bring the net in (John 21:5-6).

Although the disciples do not recognize the man as Jesus, but curiously, they do as he suggests—casting the net on the right side of the boat (John 21:6). A few scholars suggest the disciples may have been desperate to catch fish, or maybe they just loved fishing. I would like to think that their subconscious realizes the 03 Easter Reflection Question-3man is Jesus before they can register the thought. The disciples are loyal and obedient to Jesus, even when they do not realize it. Jesus is also loyal to his disciples by coming to them between giving them the Holy Spirit and the pouring out of the Spirit on the whole church at Pentecost. He reassures the disciples that he remembers his promise to enable them to spread the good news. Jesus never leaves the disciples’ side, even after his death and resurrection. Jesus does everything in his power to help the disciples to fulfill his commission to them to spread the good news and to share God’s love with the world.[ii]

Then the beloved disciple realizes the man is the resurrected Lord and tells Peter (John 21:7). Peter is overwhelmingly excited to see Jesus; he jumps overboard, and swims to shore, leaving the other disciples bring the boat and fish to shore (John 21:7-8). When the disciples are on shore, Jesus asks for some fish to 03 Easter Reflection Question-4put over the fire for breakfast and breaks bread, which might remind them of the feeding of the five thousand and the Last Supper. The fact Jesus already has fish on the fire demonstrates how he always has our backs. Jesus always finds a way to enable us to spread the good news and to share God’s love in the world. Jesus will always give us the tools we need to do God’s work. Yet by asking for some fish the disciples caught, Jesus also demonstrates how he finds ways to use our unique gifts in order to do his work in the world. Jesus uses our gifts for his glory.[iii]

Then the breakfast conversation gets serious: Jesus interrogates Peter, who denied knowing him three times during Jesus’s trial. Jesus knows Peter denied knowing him three times, just as he predicted (John 13:38; 18:17, 25-27). Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him. In Greek, there are three different words for love, which are eros (romantic love, a self-serving love), philos (love between friends), and agape (self-giving love). When Jesus questions Peter and Peter replies, the two of them use different words for love.[iv]

The first and second time Jesus asks, “Peter, do you love (agapē) me?” and Peter answers, “Of course, Lord. I love (philos) you, you know that” (see John 21:15-16). Jesus wants to know if Peter deeply loves him. The third time Jesus asks, “Peter, do you love (philos) me?” and Peter answers, “Of course, Lord, I love (philos) you; you know everything” (see John 21:17).[v] In other places of the Gospel of John, agapē is used to describe divine love (John 3:19; 12:43), while philos describes human love.[vi] Jesus understands03 Easter Reflection Question-5 Peter cannot love him as deeply as he loves him. Jesus knows Peter loves him, even before the interrogation, yet these questions make Peter uncomfortable. He knows the Lord knows his heart, so why does he keep asking? What point is Jesus trying to make? Jesus’s questions reverse Peter’s three denials of knowing Jesus by restoring his relationship with the Triune God. The interrogation demonstrates the power of the resurrection and God’s forgiveness, grace, and love. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ.

Now Jesus gives Peter a commission: “Feed my lambs. Tend my sheep. Feed my sheep” (see John 21:15-17 NRSV). Saying he loves the Lord is not enough; now Jesus calls upon Peter to put his words into action. Instead of going back to his old life, Jesus instructs Peter to go out into the world and share the good news with anyone and everyone who will listen. Jesus is commissioning Peter to go beyond his small fishing village—his comfort zone—and share his testimony with the world. Following Jesus means facing and going to dangerous situations. It means suffering on behalf of others in order to express God’s love to those who do not know him. It means befriending those who may make you feel uncomfortable. It means welcoming the homeless, the poor, the disfigured, the disabled, and others who are less fortunate to God’s table.

It is not enough to say that you love (philos) the Lord; you also need to demonstrate your love for the Lord 03 Easter Reflection Question-6through your actions toward others. Your commission is to go out into the world in order to feed and tend to God’s lost sheep. It requires you to go beyond your community by stepping out of your comfort zone in order to bring others into a relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. If you see someone who is hungry, give her food. If you see someone who is homeless, give her shelter. If you see someone who is hurting, tend to his wounds. If you see someone who is lonely, welcome him into your community. By doing so, you will nourish and nurture a community centered around God’s love—a selfless love that breaks the barriers of time and space.

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for showing us the power of the resurrection. Push us outside of our comfort zones to nourish and nurture our communities. Make your love burn in our hearts, so we are inspired to share your love, forgiveness, and grace with others. Thank you for forgiving us when we fall. Amen.

[ii] Andreas J. Köstenberger, John, vol. 4 of BECNT (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004), 590-591.

[iii] Ibid., 592.

[iv] Frank L. Crouch, “Commentary on John 21:1-19,” Working Preacher,

[v] Ibid.

[vi] Andreas J. Köstenberger, John, 596.

Jesus Breaks In

Jesus appears to his disciples. Copyright: Free Bible Images

Jesus appears to his disciples.
Copyright: Free Bible Images

Peace be with you!02 Easter RQ-1

We are addicted to the ways and ideas of the world. We accept what the world says is possible and reject what is impossible. We accept the half-truths and the lies the world tells us. We try to meet the world’s standards by dressing and appearing certain ways in order to hide the scars and emotional baggage of our past. Addictions, such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, or [whatever “it” is], further isolate us from others, relationally and even legally. When individuals are caught with illegal drugs in the United States, they are given a criminal record and are further isolated from society, sometimes for the rest of their lives.

In similar ways, we isolate ourselves from God when we give in to the addictions of world—power, wealth, fame, and [whatever “it” is] that separates us from God. In the United States, we focus on being individuals and standing on our own. We are addicted to thinking that we are okay and not broken, and we even tell God that we can do it on our own because that is what the world tells us. We struggle 02 Easter RQ-2to build meaningful and lasting relationships. We struggle to create authentic communities that would have people who lift up our strengths and lament with us in our brokenness. We struggle to connect with a seemingly distant and unseen Lord.

We struggle with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The world tells us that death gets the last word—you are born, live, and die: the end. There is nothing beyond the grave, and when you study science, that makes sense. When plants die, we can watch them decompose and disappear, and therefore we believe it to be true.

After Mary Magdalene comes and tells the disciples she has seen the Lord, they barricade themselves in a room (John 20:18-19). In fear of the Jews, the disciples create a sense of security by closing and locking the windows and doors—no one should be able to go in or out. The disciples have legitimate reasons to fear the Jews; the Romans had just killed their Lord. Somehow, the Jewish leaders are now allies with the Roman leaders who will kill anyone who does not pledge their allegiance to the Roman Empire.[i] The disciples have pledged their allegiance to Jesus Christ, the Messiah. They followed him for three years until he was crucified. Now the disciples have to face the aftermath of Jesus dying: it is over, done, finished. There will be no more healings. Jesus will not tell any more parables. Despite Mary Magdalene’s report, the disciples are afraid of the aftermath.

We have all been where the disciples are right now. We have all hidden after something—a breakup, traumatic event, illegal activity, or [whatever “it” is]. Some of us run into our rooms, lock the door, and hide in the bed under the blankets. Others pack a bag and put 02 Easter RQ-3distance between the situation and themselves. Others turn to drugs or alcohol to escape reality, while others may just deny [whatever “it” is] ever happened. The disciples are hiding until they can figure out their next step.

Then Jesus breaks into the locked-up room, greets the disciples (“Peace be with you”), and shows them his wounds (John 20:19-20). The disciples rejoice when they see the risen Lord (John 20:20). They finally get what Jesus meant when he said he would rise after three days and they rejoice that their dear friend who was dead is now alive. Jesus defeats the ways and ideas of the world and breaks into their and our lives. Jesus breaks the rules of the world in order to give us the opportunity to renew our relationship with God the Father. Jesus redefines what is possible.

However, Thomas, a disciple, is not present when Jesus breaks into the room and does not believe the others actually saw Jesus (John 20:24-25). Thomas says, “Listen boys, I have to see Jesus and touch his wounds for myself before I will believe this fairy tale you are telling me” (see John 20:25). We have all had friends who have told us crazy stories that we fell for. Maybe Thomas was known as the gullible one who would believe anything, but this time he is not falling for it. Maybe Thomas cannot get his mind wrapped around Jesus rising from the dead. Whatever the reason, Thomas has his doubts and asks the other disciples to prove it. For a week, the disciples try convincing Thomas that they are telling the truth, though he just does not believe them.

A week after Jesus’s first appearance, the disciples, including Thomas, are locked in the room, and just as they said, Jesus enters the room without opening any doors and says, “Peace be with you” (John 20:26). Then Jesus turns to Thomas and says, “Put your 02 Easter RQ-4finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Then Thomas says, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:27-28 NRSV). Thomas gets to see Jesus’s hands, feet, and side where he was nailed to the cross and stabbed. He gets up close and personal and sees Jesus’s wounds, and therefore, he believes.

Thomas sees Jesus, his Lord and his God, within the context of the human condition—as a broken individual—and yet he overcomes the grave for our sake. In The Disabled God: Toward a Liberatory Theology of Disability, Nancy L. Eiesland writes, “The disabled God emerges in the particular situation in which people with disabilities and others who care [for them] find themselves as they try to live out their faith and to fulfill their calling to live ordinary lives of worth and dignity.”[ii] If people with disabilities are able to imagine God as being disabled, then they are able to see themselves in the image of God, which enforces the important truth that they are a part of God’s good creation. Thomas sees his God taking the form of a human, suffering greatly for his sins, and still claiming victory over the grave.

This is what makes the resurrection so powerful. Jesus conquers the grave but still has his scars. The disciples really could see and touch his wounds. When you deal with your own addictions—drugs, alcohol, Facebook games, gambling, shopping, food, or [whatever “it” is], you still have to fight daily urges and impulses. You still have the scars of your past decisions. You still have the memory and the guilt. However, here is the game changer: Jesus knows our pain and suffering and has the scars to prove it, yet he rises from the dead and ascends into heaven to God the Father. God is not trying to pull a fast one over on us; Jesus really did die on the cross. It was not a magic trick; Jesus really was not breathing in the tomb. Jesus did not have a stunt double; Jesus really did die and rise after three days.

In the same way, you fall and rise time after time again. You fall for the world’s lies, but then you realize the hard truth and you turn back to the Lord. You become addicted to drugs, alcohol, Facebook games, gambling, shopping, or [whatever “it” is], but then you realize it is hurting yourself and others and you turn back to the02 Easter RQ-5 Lord. You submerge yourself in your brokenness—depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, physical limitations or [whatever “it” is], but then you realize God loves you, despite your brokenness, and you turn back to the Lord. The power of the resurrection is that Jesus falls aside us, and he picks us up time after time again!

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for conquering the grave through Jesus’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection. Help us to turn away from the world’s lies and addictions. Lift us up from our brokenness into your loving arms. Reveal the power of the resurrection through our actions. Thank you for coming alongside us and picking us up, time after time. Amen.

[i] Craig S. Keener, The Gospel of John: A Commentary, 2 vols. (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2005), 1200.

[ii] Nancy L. Eiesland, The Disabled God: Toward a Liberatory Theology of Disability (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994), 98.

Where is the Lord? The Tomb is Empty!

Jesus is not in the tomb. Copyright: Free Bible Images

Jesus is not in the tomb.
Copyright: Free Bible Images


Peace be with you!01 Easter RQ-1

After the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women go back to the tomb with spices they have prepared to find the stone rolled back (Luke 24:1-2). The women go in the tomb to discover Jesus’s body is missing (Luke 24:3). First, their Lord whom they had followed for three years was brutally killed, and now his body is missing. All of the women saw Joseph place Jesus’s body, wrapped in linen cloth, in the tomb two nights ago before the Sabbath. Where could it have gone? Who would take it? The absence of Jesus’s body perplexes the women. A dead body just does not get up and walk off; it stays wherever you put it.

Then the women are confused when they suddenly see two angels who frighten them (Luke 24:4). However, the angels say, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again” (Luke 24:5-7 NRSV). A light bulb went off in the women’s heads, and they remembered what Jesus had said (Luke 24:8). Nothing about Jesus has ever followed the rules of the world—why should his death be any different? Jesus has risen to be with God the Father. Jesus has risen in order to overcome the grave. No longer is death the final say. Now death is the beginning to the end. No longer does the world claim us with our last breath. Now God the Father and God the Son with God the Holy Spirit claim us and give us new life. This is the power of the Easter story.

Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women race back to tell the eleven disciples about what the angels told them (Luke 24:9-10). However, the disciples do not believe the women (Luke 24:11). Dead bodies stay where they are laid. Dead bodies do not get up and walk away. The rules of the world say it cannot be done.01 Easter RQ-2

Peter runs to the tomb (maybe to prove the women are telling stories, or maybe he believes and has to see for himself), but when he gets there he finds it empty, just as the women had said, and is amazed (Luke 24:12). Peter goes home with faith in knowing the risen Lord.

Having faith is difficult, because it means believing in the impossible—a man can rise after being dead for three days. You want to see it for yourself, like Peter, because it does not happen every day. Sure, Jesus said he would rise again, but that is impossible in our minds. How can it be? God the Father creates a way through Jesus Christ, his only begotten son and our Lord—a true gift.

Having faith is difficult, because it begins with falling back and trusting Jesus will catch you. How many times do we put our trust in someone, only to have them drop us? We have done it countless times. We just cannot trust Jesus’s words when he says he will rise again and we will rise with him. We cannot believe for the single fact that the world says it is impossible. It sounds like a fairy tale—all of our dreams will come true. Having faith is difficult, because we are criticized for believing in the unseen. We are asked (as the women asked the angels) how can it be so? Some people say we believe blindly in something that cannot be.

Yet having faith in the Triune God—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—gives us such peace. As Christians, we realize God is with us, even during difficult time. We see God working in our lives and recognize the peace and understanding he gives to us. God the Father sent Jesus to die for our sins to give us love, peace, grace, and forgiveness. We cannot earn our way into the kingdom of God on our own merit. We recognize our brokenness, our inability to fix what is broken, and our incapacity to know true forgiveness without the risen Lord. Therefore we recognize our need for Jesus to die on cross, to rise again, and to ascend into heaven to be with God the Father.

This is the truly amazing gift of Easter—the life-giving gift where Jesus overcame death and provides us with a way to enter the kingdom of God.

Thanks be to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for showing us the empty tomb. Help us to grasp the Easter miracle as we go about our day. Remind us that you will catch us when we fall. Give us strength when we are criticized for having faith in the impossible. Raise us up when we take last breath and give us new life. Thank you for your love, peace, grace, and forgiveness. Amen.